About Us
TLD Photonics designs and manufactures high-end Lasers and optical systems for industry and research. Our strong ties to leading swiss universities allow us to develop groundbreaking products and through the extensive industrial experience of our team, we ensure that the real-world applications remain at the core our developments. Our vision is to offer our customers cutting edge solutions for every element of industrial laser applications.

Through our modular desing, we are able to deliver custom spec femto lasers with short lead times

Swiss Made
Our products are designed and manufactured in Switzerland

We completely rethought the optomechanical design of Lasers. Giving us superior stability.
Our Models
Ytterbium Oscillator
Average Power: 4W
Pulslength: <250 fs
Wavelength: 1030 nm
Frequency: 80 MHz
M2: < 1.2
Multiphoton Microscopy
- Ultrafast spectroscopy
Seeding amplifiers
TiSa Oscillator
Average Power: 200 mW
Pulslength: <100 fs
Wavelength: 800 nm
Frequency: 80 MHz
M2: < 1.2
- Multiphoton Microscopy
- Ultrafast spectroscopy
THz generation
TLD Photonics is a Spin-Off of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Northwestern Switzerland and Bern University of Applied Sciences
TLD Photonics AG, Park Innovaare, Parkstrasse 1, 5234 Villigen